The World According to Marney

Wednesday, April 1

Post-Op Updates

Well, since the last time I posted, I have been in full recovery mode. The surgery went well and I have been trying to get better as quickly as I can. So far that is going well for me.

The first week was rather painful and uncomfortable all the way around. There really wasn't anything I could do that was comfortable, particularly if it involved wearing clothes with a waistband. And in weather that is hovering around freezing, that is usually pretty much everything. I took the rest of the week off from work and spent most of the time sleeping and resting which is pretty much all that the pain and pain killers would let me do.

The second week, was a little bit better. Less of the pain, but more of the uncomfortable-ness. Still the waistbands were not good and sitting in a chair all day long was not pleasant. And to tell you the truth, I think I went back to work a bit early. I should have taken more time off. But I didn't and it's too late now.

Last week was much better. The itching was in full force. I'm still sore in all of the incision points, but they are definitely healing. Clothes were not nearly as awful but loose fitting clothes are still preferable. I also started with the WiiFit. I can't do anything that works the Abs for the next few months but I can do most of the yoga and the basic aerobic and balance stuff.

I am now looking at week 4. I don't know if things are still going as well, but I'm still having some pains in my abdomen due to some digestion issues. I think that at this point I need to bring it up to the doctor. Since things are supposed to be getting "back to normal" and they don't seem to be doing that. Also for the past 2 days, I have been getting nauseous for the first time since the surgery.

On the bright side, I have taken all of this down time to do a lot of knitting. I have made a cardigan for me, Peter, a pullover for Sandy (colleague who just had a birthday). I'm also working on an afghan that will be our headboard eventually. Yes, that's a lot of knitting, but when you can't move a whole lot, other than your hands, and you need to do something, this is the best way to keep from going nuts.


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