The World According to Marney

Friday, August 9

In my need for some instant gratification, I put aside all of my Works in Progress last night and started (and finished) another fruit hat. I got some beautiful blue Egiptian Cotton from The Yarn Connection the other day. Now, it is not exactly blueberry blue. It's more like cornflower. So I made a cornflower-berry hat for a friend back home that is expecting. I figured that I could whip up some booties, too. It gave me great satisfaction to finish something since my projects tend to take a bit longer than my usual quicky projects.

I am going to get a little bit current in this log. I saw on the Today Show this morning that there is a new law in the state of Florida regarding putting unborn children up for adoption. Basically, if you are a woman that does not know the identity of the father of your unborn child you are legally required to put an ad in the local or regional newspaper describing yourself (complete with your name) and your sexual encounter to elicit a response from the father. This means you have to let the entire community know all of the details about your encounter and possible names of men that could be the father through the newspaper. I am horrified by this law. I can't believe that any state legislature would think this is a just and logical way to find the father of a child. To make things more contriversial, women do not need the father's consent to have an abortion. Which situation would you rather face? The community knowing the details of your sex life or a private abortion. I can't believe that lawmakers, especially in such a conservative state (need I remind anyone of the anti-gay adoption law they have down there?) would not take this into consideration.

I'm jumping off my soapbox now.


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