The World According to Marney

Tuesday, May 28


Saturday was probably the best day as far as weather was concerned. I spent most all day out in Central Park with my friends. We walked the entire loop (as we frequently do on weekends) and then just decided to spend the rest of the day enjoying the weather and the park. I did find myself knitting in a few different places in the park. As I have learned not to go too far without my fix. We had a little picnic just west of the Conservatory Garden on 103rd Street. After eating, the ball of yarn made its way out into the open. As we decided to meander back downtown, Jackie and I decided to knit more at the Bethesda Fountain at 72nd Street. We only stopped because I needed to reload yarn. That gave us a perfect opportunity to check out a good knitting cafe, The Coffee Pot. Well, it isn't a "KNITTING" cafe but very condusive to knitting with comfy couches, good lighting and relaxed atmosphere.

Well, I have finished the Baby Cardigan, matching socks and matching hat. I adapted the sock and hat patterns to accommodate my stitch patern. They came out very cute. I will be bringing them for show and tell tonight at the S-n-B. I also have a little going-away something for Carolyn that I created last week. She will definitely be missed here in NYC. The good news, for me, is I go back to Washington at least once a year. Now I will have another friend to meet up with when I visit Seattle. Well, at least we well have the internet.

The rest of my holiday weekend was only filled with knitting and watching M*A*S*H and X-Files Marathons on FX. I did make it outside long enough to see Star Wars: Episode II. I was really disappointed with it. Natalie Portman was a real disappointment. I held her in high regard as an actress until I saw her in this. She was a life sized action figure doll, with all of the rigidity and blandness of plastic. Just because her character is cold does not mean she has to give up on acting. I was probably one af the few that actually liked Episode I. This one, in my opinion, was much worse. I think I may have to go back to only watching Indy and Foreign films. Hollywood has let me down!


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