The World According to Marney

Tuesday, June 4

I have found myself behind on my reading. Tomorrow is the first edition of a book club that I helped to organize. We are reading The Archivist by Martha Cooley. I have another 100 pages to get through before tomorrow night. Now if I can only figure out when I can get that in.... It all takes me back to my college days of reading 3 novels a week, simultaneously. I managed to do it then, somehow. The problem I have now is so much of my time is spent knitting instead.

I am going to pose a question to all of you knitters out there. I have found myself knitting in some rather less-than-usual places of late. Most recently, I knit through the showing of Spiderman last week. That's right, in the dark, with a theatre full of strangers. On top of that, I have been known to knit as I walk along subway platforms and as I walk down the street. So my question is, where is the most unusual place you have knit? Don't hold back.


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