The World According to Marney

Wednesday, May 7

Another Tuesday has passed with me not at S-n-B. I got a last minute call to the theatre last night. Isn't that always the way? I had projects in hand and was ready to go, but it was not meant to be. So, I had my own S-n-B in the lounge of the Neil Simon theatre. There really wasn't anyone to share my stitching or bitching with. So I stitched and bitched by myself, in relative isolation. It really isn't the same, is it?

Anyway, I got 3/4 of the border of the last towel finished last night. That means I only have one side of border, weave in any stray ends, wash and press them and they are totally finished. (What a horrible run-on sentence. My elementary teachers would be ashamed.) Not bad! I have over 3 weeks to spare.

Tonight is the monthly book club. We are having a bit of an attendance slump these days. It's been a while since we had a big group in attendance. The average gathering is about 2 or 3 people at best for the past couple of months. Everyone is just ultra busy these days. I have a bit of concern for this evening. Although Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris is a funny book, I don't really think it is the best choice for having a book club discussion. At least next month's To Kill a Mockingbird will bring about a much more in depth conversation. I love that book. I think I have already read it twice and seen the movie many times. I am really looking forward to reading it again.


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