The World According to Marney

Wednesday, July 16

Pictures and Cameras

I tried to upload these pictures yesterday but my internet connection was not playing nice, so here are the pictures of Arye and the hat I made for him:

Arye Wolberg

And to give you persective of just how small this little guy is, here he is with Mom.

Arye and Mom, Hillary

The hat was made from the left over Rowan All Seasons Cotton that I got with my subscription to the Rowan magazine. I have to admit, I was a little unsure of the size since I have never knit anything for a preemie (7 weeks early!!) before.

On more personal note, I ordered my birthday present from Mom & Dad. Since the web page that I created for them to browse wasn't specific enough (???), they sent me money to buy somenthing special. Well, I took it upon myself to do some research on digital cameras and decided on this one:
Canon Powershot A300

I found a good deal. That means, I have no reason now for not posting pictures, once I receive it. Well, other than the fact that I got the warning yesterday that I was out of space on the server I am using. Time to farm out more space or delete some old files. Decisions, decisions.

On the knitting front, for the fist time in months, I was able to make it to S-n-B last night. Unbeknowst to me (cuz I am a bit neglegent these days), Deb Stoller was having pictures taken of the group for her knitting book. Remember earlier in the year when I was knitting a secret project? Well, it is going to be in print. In fact, I heard the pictures they took of it ar really great. To tip you all off, it is a yellow, knit backpack with a bunny face on it. Very cute!!

I think I may have to make another one for me, since it came out so cute the first time. Look for Take Back the Knit in your bookstore's knitting section this Fall.


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