The World According to Marney

Wednesday, September 8

It's almost that time of year again

I realized only a few weeks ago that the anniversary for September 11th is coming. My first thought was how to manage the day off fromm work. Now that I am no longer at Morgan Stanley, the role of a survivor is not nearly as common or as respected. Luckily, this year, it's on a Saturday.

I can't say that I am still haunted so much by the events, but I am not entirely healed, either. I found myself yelling at a magazine when I read about a Floridia RNC delegate (age 21 and very "wholesome") said she was going to Ground Zeron upon her visit to NYC for the convention because it belonged to all of America. I got mad. I got furious. She wouldn't know what that means if it came up and bit her on the butt. She didn't run for her life. She didn't watch people die in front of her eyes. She watched the entire thing in the media from a nice safe distance. And that made me more angry than I have been in a long time. I know that yelling at a magazine in my apartment wasn't entirely rational, but it made me feel better.

I also got a phone call from New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene about joining the World Trade Center Health Registry. It was a half hour of asking about where I was and when I got away and what my health has been like before and after.

To make things more fun, there are also more and more items in the news about the anniversary. Considering it is this Saturday, it's not too terribly prevelant. But even still, it's there.


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