The World According to Marney

Tuesday, November 19

This morning's rant has nothing to do with knitting writing or anything like that. I was walking to work this morning through the rather crowded streets of midtown Manhattan when I was thoroughly taken by surprise. On 51st Street between Third Avenue and Lexington (for those of you unfamiliar to NYC - imagine sidewalks packed with pedestrians as well as streets filled with cars), just as I passed the entrance to the subway, I noticed people moving out of the way on the sidewalk for a car! Now, this was not a car that had one or two tires on the sidewalk but was driving between the building and the pay phones! There are no drive through windows in this area (I have only seen one in all of Manhattan). The subway entrance was clearly going to be an obstacle for this car, let alone the people jumping into traffic to avoid being splattered by this moron. Granted, the car was barely creeping along but that was no excuse. Finally, as he neared the subway, there was a break in the parked cars on the side of the street that he swung out through and got back on the road. The saddest part of this entire experience was the sheer number of New Yorkers that barely even noticed it was happening. Did I mention that this took ploce across the street from a police station?

Ok, I think I have calmed down a bit.

I did get a couple of rows done on the Wade sock last night. I also managed to get another 1000 words or so out of my head. I'm still going way too slow to reach my goal. But, check out the people that have already finished. They all have my respect and sheer awe. I hope to get there soon. I need to get cracking! I'm off.


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