The World According to Marney

Wednesday, November 13

I can't say that I felt particularly productive yesterday after I got a screaming phone call at work from my psycho landlady about the cat food incident. I tried to explain what happened to her but she only wants me to buy a $200 litter box. (Try to see logic in that somewhere.) Can I just tell you how much I hate trying to talk with this woman? Talk is the wrong word. She only screams. Even if there is nothing wrong.

So, I decided to lay law last night and skip S-n-B. I didn't do much. I did get in another 500+ words written. It wasn't much but I found that I can write that much in about 45 minutes. So maybe I should just dedicate about 3-4 hours a day and I can knock this puppy out by the deadline. So my grand count right now is 4000 words. Only 46,000 left to write.

Not much else to say right now. I'm going to try to avoid phone calls for the near future, though.


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