The World According to Marney

Monday, August 7

I Officially Hate Summer

I have come to the realization that summer may very well be my least favorite season. It wasn't always that way. Back in school, it was a time of vacation and fun. There was swimming and parties to waste time before having to go back into classes. But that hasn't happened for quite a long time.

Now, for me, summer is a time of extreme weather and sweating. There isn't anything that makes it fun or nice that is different from any other time of the year. In fact, there are many things that I don't want to do because of the heat and humidity.

I haven't even begun to get into the smells that overpower everything. As garbage and other "stuff" bakes in the summer heat and diffuse in the stagnant, humid air, it is almost as though we are walking through a world of fermenting trash.

In the winter, the cold is at least bearable. I can bundle up as much as I like to stay warm. Plus snuggling with kitties or another warm body is much more fun.

Spring may be rainy, but it is not prohibitive to getting things done or motivation to do what needs to be done.

Autumn is the best time of year with cooler air and more comfortable climate. The trees changing colors are and added bonus.

For many seasons, I have relished the fact that how ever uncomfortable I may be with the climate, it will pass. But I am starting to get a bit frustrated with the extremes. Is it global warming? I don't know. But I am starting to wonder if Alaska might be a fun option.

Or maybe I need to find a job that lets me take the summers off. At least there would be something to look forward to in summer.


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